About Us

About Topeka Audubon Society (TAS)

TAS is a Chapter of the National Audubon Society.  Since 1943, TAS has served Topeka and surrounding communities by providing nature education, outdoor recreation, and environmental advocacy.  The public is invited to attend our monthly educational Programs and participate in our Field Trips.


2025 Annual Dinner - The TAS Annual Dinner will be held on April 5 at the Women's Club of Topeka.  After dinner and a short business meeting, enjoy a presentation by Bob Gress  entitled " Botswana - An African Adventure."  For more information, refer to the March 2025 Newsletter or check out the Annual meeting section of this website. Hope to see you there. 

Chapter Membership Dues -  Annual Chapter membership dues are being increased from $20 to $25.  Although we depend on volunteers for officers, board members and  leadership of field trips, the TAS budget includes expenses for program speakers, sanctuary maintenance, youth scholarships, newsletter publication, and various community/environmental projects.  Your local chapter donation helps support these activities.   We appreciate your continued support.  Follow this link for more information: Membership Information

Chimney Swift Tower -  Topeka Audubon Society (TAS) sponsored the construction of a chimney swift tower at a local school (Topeka Collegiate).  You can still contribute towards the costs associated with the tower.  Please mail your contribution to  Topeka Audubon Society,  PO Box 1941, Topeka, KS 66601.  Your contributions are tax-deductible as we are a 501-c-3 tax exempt organization.  Thank you for your support.  Refer to the TAS September 2023 Newsletter for more information on the importance of the tower. 

Christmas Bird Counts - TAS participates in several local bird counts each December.  Check our calendar and the most recent newsletter for locations, times and who to contact if you want to participate.  

Fundraiser - Thanks to you and the Wild Bird House for making our recent fundraiser a success.  Your support is greatly appreciated.

Monthly Bird Walks - If you enjoy watching birds regardless of your skill level or age, plan on joining our monthly bird walks cosponsored by the Topeka Audubon Society and TSCPL.  These walks will be conducted on the 2nd Saturday of each month at McDonald Field on Shunga Trail at 8:00 A.M.  The weather can vary, so please dress accordingly.  COVID protocols will be followed (wearing masks and social distancing).  There will be no walk in December.  Please check the calendar for updates or changes.  Hope to see you there.     

Membership - TAS is a membership organization.  Membership dues and donations support our Programs, Outreach, and Sanctuary.  Local chapter members receive the TAS newsletter which is published 4 times a year.  We encourage those interested in supporting our mission to join our Membership.

Online Membership Renewal and Join - You may now join TAS or renew your membership online by using the following link:  Online Membership Renewal 

Stay Informed - join our TAS Facebook Group.